Knock-knock, whose there? Sissy's babies that's who!!! I am a Uncle!!! And not that creepy Uncle either,the cool Uncle who shows you how to hot wire the tractor!!! I am a DOUBLE Uncle. Sissy had twins!!! Everything went off without a hitch!! Here is baby number 1(no names yet).
He is twice the size of his brother. He is brown and white,a mix of Mr.T's red and Sissy's black. Kinda looks like me huh?
I think Sissy is a little tired,she sees him as a giant butter cracker!!!
Well aren't they the cutest little bucks!
so glad that they have arrived safely.
ReplyDeletethey are real cute, know you are quite proud of them. Just think of all the things that you get to show and teach them. Have you thought of names yet?
gang, you're lucky. Real cute boys. I keep waiting for Clara to deliver.
ReplyDeleteSo very cool,Uncle Bu'er Bean!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations to Sissy and to Uncle Bean! They are really cute little boys!!!
ReplyDeleteVery nice boys!! And I bet it's a relief to see them born alive and healthy. We always hold our breath when they are in transition.
ReplyDeleteNow that is one super attentive Momma! I loved the video and her talking to him and cleaning him up. Oh I just love a Good Momma, it simply is a miracle to watch it unfold!! What sweet babies!! Congradulations!!